Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I'm exploring sound through clapping and seeing if it would echo if I clapped in different ways.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tardis :') 
Time: 30 minutes

Lost in her own thoughts?
Time: 30 minutes
Media: Face; 0.1,0.3,0.4,0.5 Fine liner, Trail: Ink and straw

I don't know the story as to why I did this, but I liked the idea so I brought it to life .... :')
Time: Roughly 2 hours
Media: Arms; Ink, Ink and wash, Eyes; Coloursoft crayons, Make-up; Water-Colours, Lips; Coloursoft crayons, Hair; Ink, Outline; 0.3 Fine liner

Time: 2 hours
Media: Stich, thread and ink wash

Inspired by Andrea Joseph
pencil drawn piece which was then photocopied
Time of drawing: 1 hour
Media of drawing: pencil
Image transfer of piece
Time of image transfer: 10 minutes
Media of image transfer: imullsion paint and canvas and photocopy

Time: 30 minutes
Media: Pencil

Time: 30 minutes
Media: Pencil and ink wash

Time: 30 minutes
Media: couloursoft crayon and pencil

Two flowers
Time: 1 hour
Media: coloursoft crayon

Time: 45 minutes
Media: Pencil

Petal with water
Time: 1 hour
Media: colour soft crayons

Inspired by El Bocho
Time: 10 Hours
Media: tea stained background and colour soft crayons

Corpse Bride, " Give me a male corpse for a long, slow honeymoon!"
Time: 1 hour
Media: Ink washed background, coloursoft crayon and pencil

Time: 5 hours
Media: Tea stained background, coloursoft crayons and ink

Time: 1 hour
Media: coloursoft crayons and ink

Time: 2 and half hours
Media: tea stained background with fine liner

"My name is Amy Pond. When I was Seven I had an imaginary friend. Last night was the night before my wedding and my imaginary friend came back."


Exploring sound through clapping